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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.pets.dogs:24198 news.answers:4600
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- From: tittle@ics.uci.edu (Cindy Tittle Moore)
- Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs,news.answers
- Subject: rec.pets.dogs: Introduction FAQ
- Supersedes: <dogs-faq/introduction_721807216@athena.mit.edu>
- Followup-To: poster
- Date: 15 Dec 1992 18:59:11 GMT
- Organization: University of California at Irvine: ICS Dept.
- Lines: 872
- Sender: tittle
- Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
- Expires: 28 Jan 1993 18:59:02 GMT
- Message-ID: <dogs-faq/introduction_724445942@athena.mit.edu>
- Reply-To: tittle@ics.uci.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pit-manager.mit.edu
- X-Last-Updated: 1992/09/26
- Archive-name: dogs-faq/introduction
- Version: 2.4
- Last-modified: 25 September 1992
- This is one (of ten) of the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Lists
- for rec.pets.dogs. It is posted on a monthly basis: updates,
- additions, and corrections (including attributions) are always
- welcome: send email to one of the addresses below.
- The ten parts are all archived at pit-manager.mit.edu ( in
- the directory /pub/usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq. The files are:
- introduction, new, health-care, medical-info, training, working,
- AKC-titles, misc1, misc2, and references. To obtain the files, first
- try ftp to pit-manager.mit.edu and look under that directory. If ftp
- does not work from your site, then try the mail server: send email to
- mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu with
- send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/introduction
- send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/new
- send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/health-care
- send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/medical-info
- send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/training
- send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/working
- send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/AKC-titles
- send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/misc1
- send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/misc2
- send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/references
- in the body of the message (leave the subject line empty). If you
- don't want all of them, include only the lines of the ones you want.
- You do have to repeat the path information for each file.
- Changes and additions indicated with |'s.
- I. Introduction
- A. Introduction to rec.pets.dogs.
- B. FAQ's for rec.pets.dogs.
- C. Acronyms.
- D. Abbreviations.
- E. Glossary.
- F. Kennel Clubs.
- G. Mailing Lists.
- H. Acknowledgements.
- A. Introduction to rec.pets.dogs.
- Rec.pets.dogs is a newsgroup devoted to domestic canine issues. This
- group can be friendly and helpful. Flamewars are generally limited to
- several topics: crating dogs, training by the Koheler method, docking
- and cropping, animal rights activism, wolf hybrids and pit-bull (or
- other breed) dog bans. New readers are advised against starting these
- topics up on the newsgroup as long, protracted, and inflammatory
- discussions often ensue. The facts pertaining to these controversial
- topics are covered in the FAQ's. This is not to say that these topics
- are forbidden from discussion on rec.pets.dogs, but that readers would
- greatly appreciate it if you checked out what the FAQ had to say on
- them to make sure you have something new to contribute.
- This newsgroup was formed in the summer of 1991. It is a splinter
- group from rec.pets, which originally carried the canine as well as
- other topics. Joe DiBenedetto proposed the split and collected the
- votes, which proved more than enough for its official creation.
- Michael Mahler attempted a FAQ in 1991 that consisted of compiled but
- unedited articles saved from the net. Due to time constraints, he
- gave up the project, and I received copies of the articles that he had
- saved and incorporated much of them in here from other readers. I
- have heard of other attempts at FAQ's well, but no real details.
- 1. Charter
- There exists no official charter for this group. However,
- unofficially, this group exists to discuss anything related to
- canines.
- 2. Asking questions
- By all means, ask questions on this newsgroup, that's what this is
- for. Most of us are more than happy to help you out. There are some
- things you might want to keep in mind, though:
- Is it a frequently asked question? If you have a question about
- housetraining, for example, you might find the answer in one of the
- group's FAQ. It's entirely possible you have a question not covered
- in the FAQ, but it helps to check first.
- Are you giving us enough information? Sometimes people ask brief
- questions that don't get the responses they wanted. This is often
- because the brevity of the question leads many readers to infer other
- possibilities. In particular, questions like "I want a dog that stays
- outside," "I want a dog for the kids, what's a good one," "I want a
- dog for protection" will generate many followups that are concerned
- with whether or not you really should get a dog, along with
- recommendations of books that you should read first. If you've
- already done your homework, by all means, take the extra time to
- describe that in your request so that you can get more useful
- responses.
- B. FAQ's for rec.pets.dogs.
- 1. Ten monthly posted FAQ's
- There are ten FAQ's, split up by topic rather than by length. All
- nine are posted regularly. The first one, "Introduction," is this
- file, which gives a brief description of this group, details common
- acronyms, includes a glossary, describes several national kennel
- clubs, and thanks the people who made this all possible. The second,
- "New Owners, New Dogs," is aimed at new dog owners and puppies. Thus
- it contains information on the needs of puppies and helps the new or
- inexperienced owner get started. The third, "Health Care Issues," is
- an overview of the sort of health issues every dog owner should know
- about: basic information on vaccinations, how to tell when something
- is wrong, etc. The fourth FAQ, "Canine Medical Information," gives
- detailed information on a number of diseases and other problems that
- dogs can have. The fifth FAQ, "Dog Behavior, Problems and Training,"
- outlines the way dogs think and presents common behavioral problems
- along with suggested constructive solutions. In addition, it dicusses
- training methods, communication with your dog, and suggests ways for
- teaching basic commands. The sixth FAQ, "Companion and Working Dogs"
- covers the amazing variety of things that dogs can do. The seventh,
- "American Kennel Club Titles," covers AKC test requirements and
- discusses showing. It also briefly discusses breed clubs associated
- with the AKC and titles obtainable through those clubs. The eighth
- and ninth FAQs, "Assorted Topics," contains a variety of topics that
- did not fit any particular theme, such as wolf-hybrids, breeding, and
- allergies. The last and tenth FAQ is a simple compendium of the
- references that are liberally sprinkled throughout the other FAQ's,
- plus additional books, articles, catalogues, mail-order companies and
- organizations.
- There is certainly room for more FAQ's -- the world of dog fanciers is
- a wide one indeed! In general, I welcome suggestions on ways to
- improve FAQ's or construct new ones. I am particularly appreciative
- of written-up contributions. The format of the FAQ's has been chosen
- to provide individually useful files. Each of the files is also less
- than 65K in order to meet mailer standards. Most mailers can handle
- 100K or more, but there are some out there that have a limit of 65K,
- so I tried to accomodate those.
- 2. Table of contents across the FAQ's
- I. Introduction
- A. Introduction to rec.pets.dogs.
- B. FAQ's for rec.pets.dogs.
- C. Acronyms.
- D. Abbreviations.
- E. Glossary.
- F. Kennel Clubs.
- G. Acknowledgements.
- II. New Owners, New Dogs.
- Prologue.
- A. What Kind of Dog?
- B. What are My Responsibilities?
- C. Where?
- D. Veterinarians.
- E. Puppies.
- F. Puppy-Proofing Your Home.
- G. Feeding Your Puppy.
- H. Teething.
- I. Chew Toys.
- J. Preliminary Training.
- K. Socialization of Puppies.
- L. Housetraining Your Puppy.
- M. Living with Other Pets.
- N. People Food.
- III. Health Care Issues
- Prologue
- A. In General.
- B. Dental Care.
- C. Trimming Nails.
- D. Overheating.
- E. Neutering.
- F. Bathing.
- G. Skin Problems.
- H. Vaccinations.
- I. Disease Transmission (Zoonoses).
- J. Worms.
- K. Pills and Dosing.
- L. Vomiting.
- M. Poisons.
- N. Aging.
- IV. Canine Medical Information
- Prologue
- A. Anal Sacs.
- B. Anesthetics.
- C. Breathing Disorders.
- D. Bloody Stools.
- E. Brucellosis.
- F. Canine Parvovirus (CPV).
- G. Chrondodysplasia (CHD or Chd).
- H. Distemper.
- I. Eye Problems.
- J. Gastric Torsion (gastric dilation, torsion complex).
- K. Heartworms.
- L. Hip Dysplasia (HD, or C(anine)HD).
- M. Infectious Canine Hepatitis.
- N. Kennel Cough (Infectious Tracheobronchitis).
- O. Kidney Failure.
- P. Leptospirosis.
- Q. Osteochondrosis Dissecans (OCD).
- R. Thyroid Disorders.
- V. Dog Behavior, Problems and Training.
- A. Understanding Your Dog.
- B. Principles Behind Dominance.
- C. Dominance Problems.
- D. Housetraining Problems.
- E. Submissive Urination.
- F. Other Common Problems.
- G. Comments on Obedience Training
- H. Attention.
- I. Corrections.
- J. Using Food.
- K. Training and Corrective Collars.
- L. Learning to Sit.
- M. Down, Stay, Off.
- N. Heeling.
- O. Learning Recall.
- P. Beyond Basic Obedience.
- VI. Companion and Working Dogs.
- A. Dogs for the Blind
- B. Hearing and Signal Dogs.
- C. Canine Companions for Independence.
- D. Therapy Dogs.
- E. Search and Rescue Dogs.
- F. Water Rescue Dogs.
- G. Narcotics and Evidence Dogs.
- H. Schutzhund.
- I. Police Dogs.
- J. Sled Dogs.
- K. Gaming Dogs.
- VII. American Kennel Club Titles
- A. Showing.
- B. Conformation.
- C. Obedience.
- D. Field and Hunting.
- E. Tracking.
- F. Herding.
- G. Championships.
- H. Other AKC Titles.
- I. AKC Breed Clubs.
- VIII. Assorted Topics (Part I).
- A. Acquiring Older Dogs.
- B. A New Baby.
- C. Breeding is Not Easy.
- D. Crate Training.
- E. Docking and Cropping.
- F. Dog Food Analyses and Comparisons.
- G. Dog Vision.
- H. Early Neutering.
- I. Example of a Spay/Neuter Contract.
- J. Facts and Opinions about Neutering.
- K. Finding a Home for a Dog.
- L. Guard or Protection Dogs.
- M. Housetraining Topics.
- N. Invisible and Electric Fences.
- IX. Assorted Topics (Part II).
- A. Owner Allergies.
- B. Pet Doors.
- C. Pet Identification and Theft.
- D. Pet Insurance.
- E. Pet Sitting and Kennel Services.
- F. Record Keeping.
- G. Removing Odors and Stains.
- H. Separation Anxiety.
- I. Showing and Breeding your Purebred Dog.
- J. Travel and International Travel.
- K. Vicious Dogs.
- L. Wolves and Wolf Hybrids.
- X. References.
- A. Books.
- B. Articles.
- C. Companies and Catalogues.
- D. Magazines.
- E. Organizations.
- 3. FAQ's for particular breeds
- In addition to these monthly posted FAQ's, there are available FAQ's
- for specific breeds. These are posted rarely, perhaps once or twice a
- year. They are available via anonymous ftp to pit-manager.mit.edu
- ( under pub/usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/<breed>. For the
- exact file name, check the name in parentheses after the breed. If you
- do not have anonymous ftp, send email to mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu
- with "send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/<breed>" in the subject line,
- leaving the message body empty. For example, to reference Bloodhounds,
- you would use usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/bloodhounds.
- If you do not see your favorite breed below, send me email if you want
- to put one together yourself! (Addresses are at the end of this
- post.) I only wrote one of these, as a guide for the rest of them.
- These FAQ's have been contributed by fellow rec.pets.dogs readers.
- Currently, FAQ's are available for:
- Bloodhounds (bloodhounds).
- Collies (collies).
- Greyhounds (greyhounds).
- Labradors (labradors).
- C. Acronyms.
- New readers frequently have trouble understanding the acronyms that
- have developed in this group. Other acronyms are widely used among
- dog fanciers.
- A partial listing (feel free to send in contributions):
- 1. General acronyms
- AHBA American Herding Breeds Association.
- AKC: American Kennel Club.
- AWTA: American Working Terrier Association.
- ALF: Animal Liberation Front (USA animal rights activist group).
- ASCA: Australian Shepherd Club of America
- BIS: Best in Show.
- BOB: Best of Breed (male or female).
- BOS: Best Opposite Sex (to BOB).
- BW: Best of Winners.
- CEA: Collie Eye Anomaly.
- CERF: Canine Eye Registration Foundation: registers "normal eyed dogs".
- CHD/HD: Hip Dysplasia.
- CKC: Canadian Kennel Club.
- CPI: Canine Parainfluenza.
- CPV: Canine Parvovirus.
- DHLPP: Distempter, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus shot
- FDSB: Field Dog Stud Book; a registry of pointing dogs published by the
- American Field Publishing Company. Many pointing dogs are dual
- registered AKC/FDSB.
- GSD: German Shepherd Dog.
- IM(H)O: In My (Honest/Humble) Opinion.
- KC: Kennel Club (of Great Britain).
- KPC/T: Kindergarten Puppy Class/Training.
- NQ'd: Not Qualified -- disqualified from the ring
- OES: Old English Sheepdog.
- OCD: Osteochondrosis Dissecans (separation of joint cartilage)
- OFA: Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (hip certification).
- PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (USA animal rights
- activist group).
- PRA: Progressive Retinal Atrophy.
- RBKC: Rare Breed Kennel Club.
- ROM: Register of Merit, awarded by parent clubs of specific breeds.
- RWB: Reserve Winner's Bitch.
- RWD: Reserve Winner's Dog.
- SKC: States Kennel Club (mainly active in the South and New England)
- UKC: United Kennel Club.
- WB: Winner's Bitch.
- WD: Winner's Dog.
- WH: Wolf Hybrids.
- 2. Titles
- CD: (AKC) Companion Dog.
- CDX: (AKC) Companion Dog Excellent.
- UD: (AKC) Utility Dog.
- OTCH: (AKC) Obedience Trial Champion.
- JH: (AKC) Junior Hunter.
- SH: (AKC) Senior Hunter.
- MH: (AKC) Master Hunter.
- TD: (AKC) Tracking Dog.
- TDX: (AKC) Tracking Dog Excellent.
- UDT: (AKC) Utility Dog Tracking.
- HT: (AKC) Herding Tested.
- PT: (AKC) Pre-Trial Tested.
- HS: (AKC) Herding Started.
- HI: (AKC) Herding Intermediate.
- HX: (AKC) Herding Excellent.
- HCH: (AKC) Herding Champion.
- FTC: (AKC) Field Trial Champion.
- AFC: (AKC) Amateur Field Champion.
- NFC: (AKC) National Field Champion.
- NAFC: (AKC) National Amateur Field Champion.
- CGC: (AKC) Canine Good Citizen.
- CD: (CKC) Companion Dog.
- CDX: (CKC) Companion Dog Excellent.
- UD: (CKC) Utility Dog.
- OTCH: (CKC) Obedience Trial Champion.
- UDT: (CKC) Utility Dog Tracker (abbrev. for UD TD)
- UDTX: (CKC) Utility Dog Tracker Excellent (UD TDX)
- HIC, HC (AHBA) Herding [Instinct] Certified.
- CG: (AWTA) Certificate of Gameness, soon to be an AKC title
- WC: (AWTA) Working Certificate (only dogs who go to ground)
- AGHC: (AWTA) Above Ground Hunting Certificate
- CH: Champion, usually with country in front of it, e.g., Br. CH,
- Am. CH, Can. CH. A number of different kennel clubs offer
- CH. titles.
- Sch I,
- II, III (Schutzhund) consecutive working titles
- FH: (Schutzhund) Fahrtenhund (advanced tracking title, comparable to TDX)
- AD: (Schutzhund) Ausdauer (endurance test)
- VB: (Schutzhund) Traffic Secure.
- TT: (American Temperament Test Society) Temperament test.
- STD: (ASCA) Started Trial Dog (s/d/c suffix: sheep, ducks, cattle).
- OTD: (ASCA) Open Trial Dog (same suffixes).
- ATD: (ASCA) Advanced Trial Dog (same suffixes).
- HR: (UKC) Hunter Retriever
- HRCH: (UKC) Hunter Retriever Champion
- GR HRCH:(UKC) Grand Hunter Retriever Champion
- TDI: Therapy Dogs International
- D. Abbreviations
- Dobie: Doberman Pinscher.
- Golden: Golden Retriever.
- Lab, esp. Yellow/Black Lab: Labrador Retriever.
- Mal: Alaskan Malamute.
- Newfie: Newfoundland.
- Parvo: Canine Parvovirus.
- Rottie: Rottweiler.
- Sheltie: Shetland Sheepdog.
- Sib: Siberian Husky.
- E. Glossary
- alpha: Dogs recognize intricate social hierarchies. The one "on top"
- is "alpha." Alpha can also be relative, denoting which of a pair of
- dogs dominates the other. Packs include humans where applicable, and
- owners should always be alpha to their dogs.
- bitch: A female dog. Not used in a derogatory sense.
- bitchy: A male dog showing female characteristics (e.g., in size
- and weight).
- bloom: Glossiness of coat.
- brace: A pair of dogs.
- brisket: Front of chest between forelegs.
- brood bitch: Female used for breeding.
- coupling: That part of the body between the shoulders and hips; some
- dogs are short coupled and others are longer coupled (aka "standing
- over more ground").
- crabbing: A dog that moves toward you with its body at an angle
- rather than straight on. Also called side-wheeling or side-winding.
- croup: The portion of the back directly above the hind legs, before
- the tail.
- dam: The female parent.
- dewclaws: Rudimentary toes often removed shortly after birth.
- dewlap: The skin on the throat.
- dish faced: Where the tip of the nose is higher than the stop.
- dog: 1. Any dog, male or female. 2. A male dog, especially when used
- in conjunction with bitch.
- doggy: A female dog showing male characteristics, especially in weight
- and size.
- eyeteeth: The upper canines.
- flews: Pendulous upper lips.
- heat: The mating period for bitches.
- hocks: The joints above the pasterns of the legs.
- pad: The cushioned part of the foot.
- pastern: The part of the leg below the knee in rear legs.
- Schutzhund: A German-developed training regimen for protective work
- used world-wide. Only strong, determined, and aggressive dogs do well
- with Schutzhund. Both dogs and bitches have been trained in
- Schutzhund. German Shepherd Dogs are traditionally associated with
- Schutzhund, but medium to large dogs of any breed may be so trained.
- second thigh: The area of the hindquarters between the hock and the
- stifle.
- septum: The vertical line between the nostrils.
- show dog: A dog bred for conformation to its breed standard and shown
- in competition on that basis.
- sire: The male parent.
- stifle: The upper joint of the rear legs, corresponding to humans' knees.
- stop: The point between a dog's eyes.
- stud: Male dog used for breeding.
- withers: The highest point of the shoulders, right behind the neck.
- F. Kennel Clubs.
- (condensed from _Reader's Digest Illustrated Book of Dogs_., pgs 368-377)
- There are organizations set up around the world for animals. Although
- the character of each differs, the basic responsiblities of a kennel
- club include:
- * Recognizing breeds. The criteria for being recognized varies a
- great deal from country to country.
- * Maintaining breed registries. Issues certificates of registration
- to owners of dogs that qualify.
- * Compiling stud books. Traces ancestries of registered dogs as far
- back as records have been kept for that breed.
- * Establishing breed standards. Publishes descriptions of the ideal
- dog for each breed, to help with judging breeds in show.
- * Sponsoring dog shows and trials. Enforces procedures to be
- followed to insure merited reception of awards.
- * Approval of judges, and judging procedures. Sets standards of
- knowledge for a judge.
- Often, national kennel clubs accept as members or affiliates canine
- clubs devoted to particular breeds that sponsor their own
- competitions. Other independent clubs set their own breed standards.
- Although show trials are the most common, where a dog's appearance is
- the sole criterion for awards, outdoor competition is also popular:
- hunting, tracking, obedience, herding, and lure-coursing are some of
- the alternatives. In these only performance counts.
- 1. American Kennel Club
- 51 Madison Avenue
- New York, NY 10010
- See American Kennel Club Titles FAQ for more information.
- 2. Australian National Kennel Council
- Administrative Buildings
- Royal Showgrounds, Ascot Vale
- 3032, Victoria
- Each of the eight Australian states/territories has its own canine
- club, but the controlling body is ANKC. Established in 1958, its
- objective is to propose uniform policies and procedures for all of
- Australia, although member clubs are not compelled to adopt any of the
- procedures. There are only minor administrative differences, however,
- and champions in one state are recognized as such in others.
- Major Australian show classes are
- Baby puppies (4-6 mos)
- Minor puppies (6-9 mos)
- Puppy class (6-12 mos)
- Junior class (6-18 mos)
- Intermediate class (18mos to 3yrs)
- Australian-bred class (6mos and over, born in Australia)
- Open class (any dog, generally 1yr and over)
- Ear cropping is illegal in Australia, and ANKC considers dogs with
- cropped ears ineligible for registration.
- The judging system is based on points, accumulated from being judged
- Best of Sex; the number of points reflects the number of competitors
- over which the dog won (with minimum and maximum limits). Dogs are
- judged by breed standards established by the Kennel Club (Britain),
- except for breeds of Australian origin. Highest title: Breed Champion.
- ANKC groups:
- Toy
- Sporting terrier
- Gun dog
- Hound
- Working
- Utility
- Non-sporting
- 3. Canadian Kennel Club
- 89 Skyway Avenue
- Rexdale, Ontario M9W 6R4
- The club was formed in 1888 when Canadians became determined to have
- their own club after AKC's four year inclusion of Canada in its
- beginning. The two clubs have worked closely together since then, e.g.,
- reciprocal recognition of each other's stud books and judges. There
- are similar judging systems, many common regulations, and most of the
- same breed standards.
- The judging system is based on points. A dog must accumulate 10
- points under at least three different judges at shows held under CKC
- regulations. Points are awarded based on the number of dogs in
- competition and handed to each Best of Sex winner. Up to five
- additional points may be awarded should the dog then place in its
- group or win Best in Show.
- They also sponsor obedience trials and tracking tests. They offer CD,
- CDX, UD, OTCH (equivalent to UD [?]), TD, and TDX. The CKC offered
- TDX before the AKC did -- American tracking enthusiasts used to go to
- Canada for TDX because nothing past TD was offered in the US.
- Unusually among kennel clubs, the CKC is responsible to the federal
- government in registering its dogs. Selling a pure-bred puppy without
- first registering it carries penalties. Pedigreed dogs must be
- identified on registration forms by either tattoo or noseprint.
- CKC groups
- Sporting
- Hound
- Working
- Terrier
- Toy
- Non-sporting
- Herding
- Miscellaneous
- 4. Fe'de'ration Cynologique Internationale
- Rue Le'opold-II
- 14B-6530 Thuin
- Belgium
- The FCI is a world-wide federation of national dog clubs. Its
- objective is to bring about international standards in the breeding,
- exhibiting, and judging of purebreds.
- Founded in 1911, it was originally European -- claiming membership
- from France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, and Holland. Today,
- membership includes representatives from 19 European countries as well
- as several from Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Another 11 countries
- are affiliated (including Britain and South Africa).
- FCI automatically recognizes the breeds of member countries -- hence
- it recognizes over 300 breeds. Breed standards approved by FCI are
- drawn up from the country of origin, helping to keep those standards
- uniform. Member countries may refuse to register dogs showing genetic
- flaws or non-conformation to standards; this helps eliminate
- hereditary defects.
- FCI hosts two types of shows: national and international. The country
- in which the show is held determines the judging system.
- International titles: International Working Trial Champion, and
- International Beauty Champion, both based on accumulating aptitude
- certificates and prizes in several countries under several judges.
- Difficulties are encountered by various quarantines of some of the
- countries.
- FCI groups:
- Shepherd Dogs
- Watch Dogs and Working Dogs
- Terriers
- Dachshunds
- Hounds for Big Game
- Hounds for Small Game
- Pointers (except British breeds)
- British Gun Dogs
- Fancy Dogs
- Greyhounds
- 5. Kennel Club (Britain)
- The Kennel Club
- 1-5 Clarges Street
- London W1Y 8AB
- The Kennel Club was formed in 1873. Its objective is to bring under
- central authority various canine clubs to ensure uniform standards,
- rules, and procedures, as well as a comprehensive registry for all
- breeds. There are more than 1,700 member clubs in The Kennel Club
- today. The Kennel Club has reciprocal arrangements with more than 40
- national clubs and is an associate member of FCI.
- The KC does not recognise Schutzhund. To gain a KC studbook number a
- dog must get a first, second or third prize in the Limit or Open Class
- at a Championship show or a CC or RCC.
- The British title Champion (bench) is generally considered the most
- difficult to obtain. The dog must earn three Challenge Certificates
- from three different judges (one out of puppy class). Some breeds,
- those on the import register do not have CC's. -- but CC's are
- sharply limited, and even if Best of Sex is won, the judge may
- withhold a CC. It may take years to obtain the title.
- Kennel Club groups
- Hound
- Gun dog
- Terrier
- Utility
- Working
- Toy
- 6. Kennel Union of Southern Africa
- Box 2659
- Cape Town 8000
- South Africa
- Organized in 1895 to unite all the kennel clubs in South Africa, KUSA
- is composed of some 150 affiliated clubs. Most of KUSA's approved
- standards are from Britain's Kennel Club. Deviations or omissions
- from the KC generally follow FCI standards instead. Of FCI members,
- KUSA is the most closely associated club. A total of 181 dogs are
- recognized by KUSA.
- KUSA groups
- Hound
- Gun dog
- Terrier
- Utility
- Working
- Toy
- 7. New Zealand Kennel Club
- Private Bag
- Porirua
- Operates virtually identically to ANKC; breed standards and rules are
- the same. There is no quarantine between Australia and New Zealand
- (unless recently imported from elsewhere).
- 8. States Kennel Club [USA]
- P.O. Box 389
- Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39403-0389
- 601-583-8345
- The States Kennel Club began in 1987. It was formed to promote the
- interest of all purebred dogs on a nationwide basis. Its membership
- is open to all who wish to participate and to any club. All Breed
- Clubs, Group Clubs, Specialty Clubs and Obedience Clubs are allowed;
- the Obedience clubs may only do obedience while the other clubs may
- have obedience trials in conjunction with their conformation trials.
- The SKC registers all purebred dogs recognized by AKC, CKC, and FCI.
- Additional breeds may be recognized at SKC's discretion.
- SKC accepts all dogs registered by the AKC, CKC, or any club
- asssociated with the FCI, or governed by THe Kennel Club (Britain) or
- other recognized kennel registries around the world. You need only
- submit a photocopy of the dog's current registration papers along with
- the appropriate fee.
- 9. United Kennel Club [USA]
- A smaller kennel club in the US, with an emphasis on working
- competitions.
- G. Mailing Lists.
- There are several email lists on canines and related topics.
- See the training FAQ for the one on obedience, the AKC-titles
- for the herding list.
- A general canine list is: CANINE-L. To subscribe, send email
- to listserv@pccvm.bitnet with
- subscribe canine-l <your name>
- in the body of the message, where <your name> is your actual
- name, not your login name or email address or anything else.
- There is a recently created list for Golden Retriever owners. To
- subscribe, send a message to listserv@hobbes.ucsd.edu with the phrase
- "subscribe golden firstname lastname" in the message body where
- <firstname lastname> is your own name. The list server will deduce
- your email address.
- H. Acknowledgements.
- I would like to thank the following people who took the time to send
- me their comments. Many of them contributed substantial material for
- this FAQ. Some contributed unknowingly, as I lifted their posts
- directly from the newsgroup, or obtained them from summaries kept by
- other people.
- Thanks to: Ed Anderson, David Austin, Chris Barnes, Anne Beck, Loralie
- Bellows, Marla Belzowski, Rachel Bereson, Mike Berger, Heike Berlind,
- Kathy Buetow, Matthew W. Blake, Amy Blankenship, Wade Blomgren, Mary
- Blumenstock, Kathleen Brewer, Dag Bruck, Kathy Buetow, Nancy Bulinski,
- Robin Bush, Alex Campbell, Jose' J. Capo', John Chandler, Bill Chapp,
- Jason Chen, Joseph T. Chew, Bill Chiachiaro, Mike Clark, James R.
- Coggins, Dale Cook, Kathryn L. Cook, Deborah J. Cooper, Steve Crumley,
- Schalene Dagutis, Brad Davidson, Cindy Davies, Barbara Davis, Jack
- Dean, Len DePalma, Len DeRoeck, Dennis Doubleday, Kim Dyer, Bonni
- Ensminger, Damon Feldman, Lindy Fleck, Debbie Forest, Dan Fowler, Del
- Fredricks, Carole Susan Fungaroli, Neal Gaborno, Michael Garzione,
- Patricia Geschwent, Bill Glazier, Rob G. Glenn, Joy A. Gochman, Robin
- Goldstone, Jim Graham, Dennis Gulden, Marsha Jo Hannah, Tom Haapanen,
- R. Hardin, Terri W. Hardwick, Sharon Hasting, John Heim, Julie Hill,
- R. G. Hoff, Duke P. Hong, Sue Utter Honig, Gerald Hough, Terry Hull,
- Sally A. Hundley, Larry Hunter, John Interrante, Jane Jackson,
- Victoria Janicki, Tor Erik Jeremiassen, Marget Johnson, Debbie Keyes,
- Joyce Andrews King, Erich Klinghammer, Rich Kulawiec, Virginia P.
- Kunch, Kimberly Laird, Karina Laramie, Stephen N. Larson, Stephen R.
- Lee, William LeFebvre, David E. Levy, Bill McCormick, Russell
- McFadden, Allen McIntosh, Marian McKenzie, Meg McRoberts, Ellen M.
- McSorley, Michael Mahler, Dana Massey, Douglas Merrill, Steve
- Michelson, Liza Miller, Carol Miller-Tutzauer, William L. Millios,
- Wendy Milner, David Minturn, Maralee Morado, Gary Morris, Kathy Moser,
- S. Mudgett, Lily Mummert, Anne Myers, Victoria Neff, Barbara A. Neves,
- Devon Nichols, David Northrop, Eugina M. Novak, Elizabeth S. Odekirk,
- Maureen O'Halloran, Jeff Parke, Brian Pawlowski, Jill N. Pappenhagen,
- Jon Pastor, David Prager, Nancy Rabel, Margaret F. Riley, Nancy
- Roberts, Garth Robinson, Kevin Rodgers, Sue Sanvido, Carlin
- Sappenfield, Debra R. Schneider, Michael Sierchio, Brian Wesley
- Simmons, Susan B. Sinnott, Michele Smith, Charlie Sorsby, Thomas A.
- Spraggins, Orca Starbuck, Stormwind, Renee Strong, Alison Suggs, Karl
- Swartz, Laura Toms, Beverly Trimpe, Deborah Trytten, David C. Tuttle,
- Bill Underwood, Esa Viitala, Kathy Vineyard, Michael Wagppner, Sky
- Warrior, Joseph Weinstein, Sara Weinstein, John Wells, Mary Ann Wells,
- Kathy Wilk, Kim Williams, Stewart Winter, Rusty Wright, and Jeff
- Young.
- Extra thanks to Marla Belzowski, Stephen R. Lee, Liza Miller, Lily
- Mummert, Michael Sierchio, Charlie Sorsby, and Rusty Wright for
- extensive editorial comments and a wealth of contributions.
- ----------------
- This file is Copyright (c) 1992 by Cindy Tittle Moore. It may be
- freely distributed in its entirety provided that this copyright notice
- is not removed. It may not be sold for profit nor incorporated in
- commercial documents without the author's written permission.
- Cindy Tittle Moore
- Internet: tittle@ics.uci.edu UUCP: ...!ucbvax!ucivax!tittle
- Bitnet : cltittle@uci USmail: PO BOX 4188, Irvine CA 92716
- ----------------